a unique

A Unique Parcel the diversity of our soils

01 Granites

Located on the sides of the Vosges mountains, they are composed of eruptive or magmatic rocks which crack and disintegrate to form a coarse sand called granitic arena.

02 Limestones

In Alsace, it is limestone of marine origin from the secondary era. These rocks disintegrate easily to give way to very stony soils. the wines are always marked by a beautiful acid structure, broad and massive.

03 Clayey

Clay is the essential component of these soft but compact rocks, always giving heavy and greasy soils. The wines from these terroirs have a powerful structure and take a long time to blossom.

04 Marno-sandstone

This is the sandstone variant of the marl-limestone terroir. It is still tertiary scree whose pebbles are this time sandstone. Marl gives power to the wine while sandstone lightens it.

Situation of the Terroir and Grands Crus

  • Sommerberg

    The grand cru Sommerberg is located in Niedermorschwihr in the extension of the summit of Galtz (730m). Facing south on an open valley. The relief is characterized by a succession of three amphitheatres separated by outcrops of bedrock. The hillside is planted up to the summit (400 m) and its southern exposure on a very steep slope makes it very sunny. The soil is characterized by significant stoniness over a depth varying from 25 to 80 cm.
  • Brand

    This slope inclined at 45° overlooks the town of Turckheim. The Brand terroir is precocious and warm. It consists of fractured granite. It is this rock composed of quartz, feldspar and mica called Turckheim granite that gives Brand its identity. On this ancestral base stretches over a surface of 57 ha, quite steep slopes which climb to an altitude of 380m facing SOUTH, SOUTH-EAST.
  • Wineck Schlossberg

    A blend of two different parcels of Gewurztraminer on this hillside overlooking the commune of Katzenthal. This stony terroir facing south and south-east turns out to be sunny, steep, warm and early-ripening. Its soil, composed of little earth (20 to 50 cm) rests on a granitic source rock (2 Micas from Turckheim) which is highly disintegrated. It heats up quickly and is rich in various mineral elements.
  • Florimont

    The hillside of Florimont is located mainly on the ban of Ingersheim and for a small part on the ban of Katzenthal. In an advance of the hills under the Vosges, on a substrate of Bathonian and Bajocian limestone covered below by conglomerates and Oligocene marls. It has south and south-east slopes between 250 and 280m above sea level overlooked by a Natura2000 classified forest for fauna and flora.
  • Pfoeller

    At the crossroads between the granitic Grand Cru of Sommerberg and the limestone Grand Cru of Florimont is the place called Pfoeller in the municipality of Katzenthal. It is detached from the Vosges massif and forms a circus open to the south with an average slope. Light clay-limestone slopes from the pinched secondary between the Muschelkalk to the west and the Bajocian to the east, facing south.

Observe and respect The Stakes and the Maintenance of the Terroir


It is a natural fact, the maintenance and care of the land are a permanent occupation in the hope of collecting a promising harvest and obtaining a final result that meets our requirements.


A terroir and its geological specificity requires attention from the winegrower to offer the culture its full deployment.

For a plot to be unique, it must be ploughed, digged and grassed up to the foot of the vines.

The maneuver of a short pruning makes it possible to obtain controlled yields and quality.


All of our plots were planted in the “1960s / 1970s”.


This specific pruning therefore makes it possible to sublimate the vines and obtain better harvests, in particular on the old vines.

It also allows the perpetual renewal of the vines and the long-term preservation of the productive vine. Pruning favors the manifestation of young and vigorous growth. A properly pruned and well-maintained vine stock can last for sixty years.


Implicitly, in compliance with the specifications of organic farming, small yields are preferred. Thus, each terroir of our unique parcel, by its exposure and its inclination, is the corollary of wines of character.

Vignes domaine Boxler un parcellaire unique

Respect for the Vine

Thus time passes, and with each new season, on all the plots we supplement young plans. The usual term for performing this task is complantation. That is to say, to avoid the withering of the soil. Dead feet are pulled out and replaced. It is in autumn that we uproot and in spring that we plant the young shoots.


Nowadays, the vagaries of the weather and certain diseases weaken the vineyard, for example with Esca disease.

Domaine Justin BOXLER

Nos vins

A propos

Domain Justin BOXLER

Our wines


Dear Lovers of Alsace wines

As independent winemakers, we are committed to offering you authentic wines, witnesses of our passion and our terroir. This year again, despite the weather, we put all our energy to preserve the quality of our grapes.

A wine year under the sign of challenge

The Alsatian climate has not been mild this season, with a weather 2024 marked by frequent rains, requiring increased vigilance and special care to carry out the season in green and harvest. Thanks to our team and our commitment to organic viticulture, we are happy to present you the fruits of this special year.

Discover our 2020 vintage in Riesling GC Sommerberg and Riesling GC Florimont

We are pleased to offer you the Riesling Grand Cru Sommerberg 2020 and the Riesling Grand Cru Florimont 2020. These wines, which reflect the richness of their respective terroirs, are ready to be tasted after 3 years of aging in bottle and reveal all their nuances.

The «Empreintes» range: the terroir of Alsace within reach of glass

Our Empreintes range embodies the essence of our vineyard and our know-how accessible to all. For the 2022 and 2023 vintages, these wines are an invitation to discover our Alsace terroir in a simple and friendly way. Designed for those who wish to enjoy a good wine every day, they offer beautiful harmony and natural authenticity. We look forward to welcoming you for a tasting and sharing our passion with you. We look forward to seeing you again and wish you a very happy holiday season.

The Boxler-Wiss families

Nouveauté à découvrir... Bulles de Pinots

crémant Bulles de Pinots

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Chers Amateurs de vins d’Alsace

En tant que vignerons indépendants, nous avons à cœur de vous offrir des vins authentiques, témoins de notre passion et de notre terroir. Cette année encore, malgré une météo capricieuse, nous avons mis toute notre énergie à préserver la qualité de nos raisins.

Une année viticole sous le signe du défi

Le climat alsacien n’a pas été tendre cette saison, avec une météo 2024 marquée par de fréquentes pluies, exigeant une vigilance accrue et un soin particulier pour mener à bien la saison en vert et les vendanges. Grâce à notre équipe et à notre engagement pour une viticulture biologique, nous sommes heureux de vous présenter prochainement les fruits de cette année si particulière.

Découvrez notre millésime 2020 en Riesling GC Sommerberg et Riesling GC Florimont

Nous avons le plaisir de vous proposer le Riesling Grand Cru Sommerberg 2020 et le Riesling Grand Cru Florimont 2020. Ces vins, qui reflètent la richesse de leurs terroirs respectifs, sont prêts à être dégustés après 3 ans de vieillissement en bouteille et à révéler toutes leurs nuances.

La gamme « Empreintes » : le terroir d’Alsace à portée de verre

Notre gamme Empreintes incarne l’essence de notre vignoble et notre savoir-faire accessible à tous. Sur le millésime 2022 et 2023, ces vins sont une invitation à découvrir notre terroir d’Alsace de manière simple et conviviale. Pensés pour ceux qui souhaitent savourer un bon vin au quotidien, ils offrent une belle harmonie et une authenticité naturelle. Au plaisir de vous recevoir pour une dégustation et vous partager notre passion. Dans l’attente de vous revoir, nous vous souhaitons de très belles fêtes.

Les familles Boxler-Wiss