
Wines of a place

The Origines wines are the testimony of the expression of a place in its most singular way, transcribed in the bottle with the sole influence of the Alsatian micro-climate.

Selection of different predominantly granitic and marl-limestone plots on the steep and sunny terroirs of Niedermorschwihr, Katzenthal, Turckheim and Ingersheim.

Harvested by hand, gentle pressing for six hours to preserve the aromatics of the grapes. Natural fermentation in hundred-year-old oak barrels. Aging on fine lees for one winter before bottling in the summer.

Riesling lieu-dit Pfoeller 2022

This bottle bears witness to the expression of the Lieu-dit Pfoeller with the sole influence of the Alsatian microclimate.

Located on a zone of faults, this clay-limestone soil is composed of Muschelkalk to the west and Bajocien to the east and overlooks the town of Ingersheim.

This wine is made up of several plots, the “Erdhauser” planted in 1976 and the “Redhauser” planted in 1992.

Harvested manually, the grapes ferment naturally thanks to indigenous yeasts. Aging on lees takes place for almost a year in century-old oak barrels.

origines Vins d'Alsace Riesling Pfoeller

Pinot Gris Cuvée de l'Ange 2023

Iconic cuvée of the Justin Boxler family.
Grapes from the most beautiful plots of the estate on granitic grounds.
Wine of gluttony and pleasure.
Wines are ready to drink within 10 years of bottling.

Its colour is a sustained yellow.
On the nose it is toasted with aromas of white flowers.
The attack is ample with a nice freshness.
On the end of the palate, minerality in combination with gourmandise prevails.

Gewurztraminer Soixante-cinq 2022

This is the oldest plot of our vineyard planted in 1965.
These feet of Gewurztraminer perfectly resist the years and the various hazards.
Its deep rooting gives this wine a concentration of aromatic interesting. 2019, a cooler year, marks all the more this balance between freshness and the delicacy of the grape variety.

Harvested by hand, the grapes are gently pressed for 6 hours to preserve their aromas. Vinification is done by gravity and aging on fine lees in hundred-year-old oak barrels before bottling in the summer.

origines gewurztraminer soixante cinq

Different plots of Pinot Noir on several granitic terrains, in particular on the Grand Cru Brand.

This wine is made between our free-run juice and press juice following a ten-day maceration.

The malolactic fermentation takes place in Burgundy barrels.

The contribution of wood is reasoned and our barrels come from different Burgundian coopers.

Justin Boxler Domaine Logo

Domain Justin BOXLER

❝Origins, the expression of a place in its most unique way ❞

Geographical location

The diversity of Alsatian wine-growing soils, rich in 13 geological varieties, make up a mosaic of terroirs conducive to the production of wines with a strong personality.
At the Justin Boxler estate, the soils are essentially granitic (Brand, Sommerberg, Wineck-Schlossberg), limestone (Florimont, Pfoeller), clay and marl sandstone.

Granitic: at Deux Micas
The Sommerberg “La colline du Soleil” is located in Niedermorschwihr on 29 ha and a 45° slope.
Located in Turckheim the Brand “La terre de feu” extends over 58 ha. A Coteau arc-de-cercle.
In Katzenthal, the Wineck-Schlossberg “The castle hill”, extends over 28.

“Le Mont Fleurie” the Florimont located in Ingersheim on 21 ha. Hillside in an arc of a circle.

les parcelles du domaine Boxlersur plan


Riesling et Gewurztraminer
"Lieut-dit Pfoeller"


Gewurztraminer Sixty-Five


Pinot Gris


Pinot Noir

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Domaine Justin BOXLER

Nos vins

A propos

Domain Justin BOXLER

Our wines


Dear Lovers of Alsace wines

As independent winemakers, we are committed to offering you authentic wines, witnesses of our passion and our terroir. This year again, despite the weather, we put all our energy to preserve the quality of our grapes.

A wine year under the sign of challenge

The Alsatian climate has not been mild this season, with a weather 2024 marked by frequent rains, requiring increased vigilance and special care to carry out the season in green and harvest. Thanks to our team and our commitment to organic viticulture, we are happy to present you the fruits of this special year.

Discover our 2020 vintage in Riesling GC Sommerberg and Riesling GC Florimont

We are pleased to offer you the Riesling Grand Cru Sommerberg 2020 and the Riesling Grand Cru Florimont 2020. These wines, which reflect the richness of their respective terroirs, are ready to be tasted after 3 years of aging in bottle and reveal all their nuances.

The «Empreintes» range: the terroir of Alsace within reach of glass

Our Empreintes range embodies the essence of our vineyard and our know-how accessible to all. For the 2022 and 2023 vintages, these wines are an invitation to discover our Alsace terroir in a simple and friendly way. Designed for those who wish to enjoy a good wine every day, they offer beautiful harmony and natural authenticity. We look forward to welcoming you for a tasting and sharing our passion with you. We look forward to seeing you again and wish you a very happy holiday season.

The Boxler-Wiss families

Nouveauté à découvrir... Bulles de Pinots

crémant Bulles de Pinots

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Chers Amateurs de vins d’Alsace

En tant que vignerons indépendants, nous avons à cœur de vous offrir des vins authentiques, témoins de notre passion et de notre terroir. Cette année encore, malgré une météo capricieuse, nous avons mis toute notre énergie à préserver la qualité de nos raisins.

Une année viticole sous le signe du défi

Le climat alsacien n’a pas été tendre cette saison, avec une météo 2024 marquée par de fréquentes pluies, exigeant une vigilance accrue et un soin particulier pour mener à bien la saison en vert et les vendanges. Grâce à notre équipe et à notre engagement pour une viticulture biologique, nous sommes heureux de vous présenter prochainement les fruits de cette année si particulière.

Découvrez notre millésime 2020 en Riesling GC Sommerberg et Riesling GC Florimont

Nous avons le plaisir de vous proposer le Riesling Grand Cru Sommerberg 2020 et le Riesling Grand Cru Florimont 2020. Ces vins, qui reflètent la richesse de leurs terroirs respectifs, sont prêts à être dégustés après 3 ans de vieillissement en bouteille et à révéler toutes leurs nuances.

La gamme « Empreintes » : le terroir d’Alsace à portée de verre

Notre gamme Empreintes incarne l’essence de notre vignoble et notre savoir-faire accessible à tous. Sur le millésime 2022 et 2023, ces vins sont une invitation à découvrir notre terroir d’Alsace de manière simple et conviviale. Pensés pour ceux qui souhaitent savourer un bon vin au quotidien, ils offrent une belle harmonie et une authenticité naturelle. Au plaisir de vous recevoir pour une dégustation et vous partager notre passion. Dans l’attente de vous revoir, nous vous souhaitons de très belles fêtes.

Les familles Boxler-Wiss