Located on the sides of the Vosges mountains, they are composed of eruptive or magmatic rocks which crack and disintegrate to form a coarse sand called granitic arena.
In Alsace, it is limestone of marine origin from the secondary era. These rocks disintegrate easily to give way to very stony soils. the wines are always marked by a beautiful acid structure, broad and massive.
Clay is the essential component of these soft but compact rocks, always giving heavy and greasy soils. The wines from these terroirs have a powerful structure and take a long time to blossom.
This is the sandstone variant of the marl-limestone terroir. It is still tertiary scree whose pebbles are this time sandstone. Marl gives power to the wine while sandstone lightens it.
It is a natural fact, the maintenance and care of the land are a permanent occupation in the hope of collecting a promising harvest and obtaining a final result that meets our requirements.
A terroir and its geological specificity requires attention from the winegrower to offer the culture its full deployment.
For a plot to be unique, it must be ploughed, digged and grassed up to the foot of the vines.
The maneuver of a short pruning makes it possible to obtain controlled yields and quality.
All of our plots were planted in the “1960s / 1970s”.
This specific pruning therefore makes it possible to sublimate the vines and obtain better harvests, in particular on the old vines.
It also allows the perpetual renewal of the vines and the long-term preservation of the productive vine. Pruning favors the manifestation of young and vigorous growth. A properly pruned and well-maintained vine stock can last for sixty years.
Implicitly, in compliance with the specifications of organic farming, small yields are preferred. Thus, each terroir of our unique parcel, by its exposure and its inclination, is the corollary of wines of character.
Thus time passes, and with each new season, on all the plots we supplement young plans. The usual term for performing this task is complantation. That is to say, to avoid the withering of the soil. Dead feet are pulled out and replaced. It is in autumn that we uproot and in spring that we plant the young shoots.
Nowadays, the vagaries of the weather and certain diseases weaken the vineyard, for example with Esca disease.
Listening to the Terroir
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